Thursday, March 5, 2009

AIG makes me so mad I could spit

Since Tuesday I was working on researching this AIG nonsense and found what seemed to be, to my very limited understanding of business, a company that failing hard. To the tune of 4 bailouts totaling reaching an approximate total of $160 Billion.

$160 Billion …


I was so mad all week trying to write. While proofreading my little “article” yesterday I realized that I had only succeeded in punching the keyboard over and over again. Needless to say I was having trouble putting my feelings into words. It’s hard to watch grown adults, who tried to convince us to trust them with our money, turn around and beg the government for money. Such emotions of anger, disgust, and sadness over such gross negligence. Yes, so much gross negligence that even I can’t get behind it, and as you know I love gross negligence.

I mean this company has had to be bailed out 4 times. When I was a kid, we called that "going out of business." I do not understand how we can keep giving money to these companies to keep them in business. Aren't we already in debt? Didn't we already spend all our money on a war or 2? How do we have so much money to help these companies? Why are we wasting our money on companies that are so clearly not going to survive? I am not a stupid person, I have a degree. (they haven't taken that away yet) I understand the concept that we have let ourselves get into this position where if these financial institutions fail, then it could catastrophically crush our way of life (or something), but I can't quite wrap my head around the concept. There are risks involved in business, and successful companies take risks and . . . well . . . succeed. On the other side of things when a business takes a risk (like AIG) and those risks blow up in their face (like AIG), that company disappears. This is how things work! This makes sense to a reasonable human being like myself. So someone PLEASE help me understand why we are giving them

Finally someone was able to speak to me on my level. Last night, Jon Stewart on his Daily Show absolutely nailed The Dole’s feelings on this subject of AIG and the bailouts. This explanation of the current economic issues and the subsequent government bailouts was very helpful, and made me feel much better about not exactly understanding what was going on (mostly by yelling). Last night's episode is an absolute must watch for anyone who feels a little overwhelmed by all these credit crashes and bailouts.

... and anyone who likes yelling about it.

You have your homework.

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