Monday, February 2, 2009

TV in my hotel room bores me

There are only 30 channels on my Hotel room cable. These include cnn, cnbc, bloomberg, espn, yes, usa, TNT, and HBO. These options have officialy bored me.

On top of that, the bar is closed because this is a conference center, and not a real hotel. There are only 3 people staying here tonight; because of that, all the amenities aren't up to my usual standard.

Freelancing is rough . . .

1 comment:

  1. How is it you guys always find time to turn the tv on? Katie and I were discussing this - we never turn the TV on when on show site EXCEPT I did this sunday - I went to bedside baptist on Sunday morning with Charles Stanley while I was getting ready for the day. Besides, the remote has the cooties!
