Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Shame on you...

An event I was working on recently was protested.

I was taking a moment to try and eat some lunch while the event was up and running and a man walked over to me from the protest.

He kept his distance, but he walked toward me and looked directly at me. I reacted as most people would react when someone is walking toward them and looked up as he walked over. When I made eye contact with him it was clear to me that he was indeed looking at me, he paused and after a moment he he said:

“Shame on you for working for those rich people”

Those of you that have been with me since the get go have seen the ups and downs this unemployment period had on me. It was a very difficult time all around for me.

But still…. Shame on me for working for all those rich people.

Dear Mr. Protester,

I may have been unemployed for a while this year, but that does not mean that I forgot everything my momma taught me. I know you don't want me to work for rich people, but seriously, who would you like me to work for? Homeless people? I will tell you something about how this society works. You work for people who have money, therefore, when it comes time to pay you for your services the checks don’t bounce.

I don't know how you pay your rent, but I pay mine with straight cash, homie.


Corporate Kerouac